Generations Apart

June 12, 2013  •  14 Comments

  So this month for my Exhibit Blog Project our theme was 'Apart' let me tell ya that was not an easy one for me to come up with a post about! I had NO idea where to start at first! Then I had a couple random fleeting ideas that just didn't stick. Then one day Jesse and I were driving by a spot where I have wanted to, and talked about shooting some shots for over a year! I envisioned these shots MANY times just never had time to stop and take them!

 These new, modern wind generator's were put in a few years ago and every time I passed by this spot where an old fashioned wind mill stood with all the modern advances in the background, I knew there was a story there!

 Even though they are era's, generations and years APART... they were created and designed to do the same task.... generate power of some sort! One made to harness the wind and run a well for water, the others to harness the wind for electricity.

 Such a stark contrast of the old and the new!

  There are so many of these new wind generators going up in North Dakota... yes we have ALOT of wind!

In some ways every time I pass this old wind mill still in such good shape standing the test of time, it makes me kinda sad in a way looking at it against the background of the new modern replacements. I'm sure that old wind mill served it's purpose well in it's time!

     I had to go trucking myself and my camera gear out into the field to get the shot I was wanting while Jesse and Tarrin waited patiently in the car along side the highway for probably a good 20 minutes!

 If you would like to continue on reading posts on ' Apart' please Click Here to view Vision of Rose Photography's post!


Crystal Randash(non-registered)
I loved the windmill past and present pics! Yes indeed there is a story there. Glad you took those pics. :)
Michelle S Hanks(non-registered)
I love this post. The idea of capturing what speaks to you is awesome and I'm excited to see that others like the windmills. My husband can't stand them.
Alaina Bos(non-registered)
What a great way to showcase "Apart"!! So creative!
Ray Urner(non-registered)
Reminds me of SoCal. Very nice!!
stephanie bueckert(non-registered)
there is something about this post that I just love!
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