
May 12, 2013  •  19 Comments

  So for this months project blog, the group decided our theme for a post should be Together... again great subject, but I had the HARDEST time coming up with what I wanted to shoot! I first thought how about me and my wonderful husband?? We've been TOGETHER for three years now and are looking forward to being TOGETHER for many more to come... but then wait, I hate pictures of myself! Haha : )

 So on to more brain storming. My next thought was how about a shoot on Canadian Geese? They are amongst the few animals that mate for life and stay TOGETHER forever.

 Then I thought well I could do a fun shoot on the weekend of Jesse and I playing cards with our neighbors.... we get TOGETHER almost every weekend to play cards!

 I also considered doing a family session.... obvious I know! Haha I mean what is a family all about.... being TOGETHER! : ) To stop from boring you all anymore.... I'll just tell you what I finally decide to do my TOGETHER post on. : ) Our trusty sheep dogs and their flock!!

 We have two Great Pyrenees dogs, Buster and Gypsy. : ) They are very faithful at protecting their flock of sheep and making sure everyone stays together where they can keep an eye on them.

  They stay with the flock while they go out to pasture during the day to eat and protect them from coyotes. We have a real problem with coyotes the last few years and always end up loosing a bunch of our little lambs to them in the spring.

  The dogs lay out in the middle of the flock keeping theirs eyes and ears open for danger and will run any critters off that get near their sheep! I saw Gypsy chasing a poor mother cow away yesterday because she felt she was getting a little too close for comfort! : )

  Aren't they just beautiful dogs!!

    They are pretty much TOGETHER all the time.... sheep and dogs, one depending on protection the other depending on companionship!

  It's so cute watching the little lambs come up to the dogs and bug them, and the dogs just lick them before they move on!

  The sheep laying around soaking up the beautiful sunshine we've finally been having!! They look like their all enjoying it, especially the little guy!

  They aren't going to far out to pasture yet as their baby's are still pretty young and we still have snow out there as stupid as that is! Haha

  If you enjoyed this post on TOGETHER please CLICK HERE  to continue over to Part of Life Photography to read more great posts!!


I love these pics. Great choice on Together. I just love Gypsy & Buster they are great caretakers of the sheep. They sure take their job seriously.
Awww my inlaws had a Great Pyrenees named Jesse! Small world! Great work with the harsh lighting :)
It's a pretty interesting dynamic to see another animal protect a whole different species. :)

Great post!
Drop Anchor Photography(non-registered)
Cute subject and repetition. LOVE IT.
Jennifer Parsons(non-registered)
I love this post! Such a nice tribute. I grew up with a Great Pyrenees! You dogs are beautiful!
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