New Beginnings

April 12, 2013  •  14 Comments

 I'm part of a group of photographers that have committed to doing a themed blog post every month. This is to help us progress with our photography and blogging skills! This month the theme chosen was  'Beginnings' there are so many things I could do a post on with this topic... At first I though well, how about blogging a maternity session, then it crossed my mind, what about spring? I finally decided to do a series of posts with new beginnings in mind! : ) They'll all be about the new beginning of LIFE!! : ) This is my first post on New Beginnings and will be the post I use for my Photography group post! For those of you that follow my blog, watch for the next 3 post to the series of 'New Beginnings'

 I live on a ranch with my husband and son. We raise Cattle and sheep. Yes.... I'm a ranchers wife, which works out perfectly for me to run my photography business! I help Jesse with the ranch and he helps me with my photography! We're both very supportive of each others work and ambitions! ( O and I think I benefit a little more then Jesse as I like working outside with the livestock a bit better then he does the photography side of things I think! LOL ) So we're coming into calving and lambing season right now!! Our ranch is just spilling over with new beginnings! Here are some pictures of a new baby calf that we had this morning!


           Momma was still licking baby off!

         Isn't he just adorable!

         Momma wasn't sure of my and my big lens! She got him up and tried getting him away from me. : )

          His ears were still wet!

          Time to get a snack since Mom got him up!

 Jesse unsaddling his horse Brewster after using him to separate some cows off that are getting close to calving

          Tarrin out watching daddy ride horse waiting for a ride! : )

          I just had to add a picture of his little boot! Aren't they the cutest things ever!! ; )

  It was such a cold day today! You can see the cows breath! That's what happens when you live in North Dakota


  If you want to continue reading my posts on New Beginnings Click here for the next post on baby lambs!!

  If you would like to continue reading posts from other photographers  'Beginnings' Click here


Michelle S Hanks(non-registered)
I'm so jealous of your life. My mom lived on a dairy farm in Wisconsin when I was born and has a huge love for cows. Your images cOuld easily be used in a vet's training manual. Of course, little sweet baby boy, excluded.
Rebecca Mortensen(non-registered)
Super cute :) Gotta love babies of all kinds!
Julianna Rennard(non-registered)
What a beautiful experience!!
Anna Gordon(non-registered)
Awesome post - so cute!
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